Like I said in the beginning, these things tend to get a little flaky. Hence the large lapse in posts. From where I stand now, I no longer have any adorable excuses not to document my projects.
Any one who knows me personally knows that life has been filled with big changes for me recently. Lets just list what has stayed the same, it’s much easier- Partner, House, Pets and Friends, all of which are wonderful. It seems like everything else has changed (for the good, mostly). While I now have a fairly inconsistent and much smaller income, I have been blessed with so much time, much more than I have ever had. Time to create and cultivate new skills (and later, a bit of traveling!). So with this time, I have set a few goals for myself-
- Learn how to Butcher a chicken- It is so convenient to buy the package of chicken breasts! It is also much more expensive and fairly wasteful. Part of the goal is to feel more connected to what I am eating by cutting out the processing, and make kick ass carcass broth!
- Take a lot of walks- Good for me and might make my dick of a dog a bit better behaved in the process.
- Cook more dried beans- they are so cheap and so much more delicious!
- Paint my first mural- I will post pictures of the progress of this soon, I am at the very beginning, it is a super exciting process though.
- Make more clothes - I have no money for new clothes and lots of ideas that have been floating around for awhile.
- Use this beauty as much as possible!
I dreamed of this pot for a very long time and finally found a great deal and rewarded myself!
I promise to share as progress is made on all of these things.