Yum! While opinions may vary about what makes a great pizza, I pretty much love them all. Ever since a trip to Italy in 2006 though, I have had a special place in my heart for Neopolitan style thin crust pizza. The Man will eat most anything but loves to mock this pizza "a pizza should feed more than one person" is one of his favorite sayings on the subject. It certainly does seem like a trend in most cities right now, these fancy places with gigantic multi thousand dollar pizza ovens that have to heat up all day because they are wood fired. I like going out for it and all but I am very happy to have been introduced to a way of making it at home that is truly gratifying (thanks Jen!) and delicious!
Dough- after getting a Kitchen Aid as a Christmas gift from the Man last year my goal was to use it at least once a week, I had never ventured into this sort of baking and after almost killing my moms bread machine as a teenager, was super scared of yeasty things. The only time i've really screwed up so far was when i over kneaded a batch of this and semi-fried my beautiful green beast (Kitchen Aid) Those folks at Kitchen Aid are super helpful though, they replaced it right away. So lesson learned if it doesn't pass the "windowpane" test, don't just keep mixing it, give it a rest...literally.
The recipe I have liked the best is a Peter Reinhardt pizza dough reblogged here-
It's fantastic and freezes really well.
Also I can't say enough good things about this beauty-
She's a real fine Pizza Stone that washes up real nice.
Sauce- The easiest, most wondrous pizza sauce ever-
Crushed tomatoes, simmered with butter and what ever else sounds good. Put through the food mill. That's it and it is incredible.
Their is no shame in keeping it simple with cheese, less is more with these things though, for sure.
Artichokes, left over from a fantastic New years crab boil. I just harvested their heart and put them on a base of Ricotta, with a bit of Mozzarella and some Parm...amazing!

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