Monday, September 26, 2011


       So, I am sure that you are all staying up at a night wondering how I am doing on my goals! I feel like some significant progress has been made on all of them and for now, things seem to be going in the right direction. I haven’t butchered a whole chicken yet but I have been studying up all about it. I made cassoulet a few weeks ago though and instead of the convenient boneless skinless chicken thighs I usually buy (which run
around $8-$10 a package, I bought a package of drumsticks for $2.50 (organic from Trader Joe’s). Butchering drumsticks is a bit gross but I ended up with more than enough meat and froze the bones for stock later. 
The mural is coming along at a much slower pace than I had originally anticipated, who knew cutting out pixels with an exacto knife would be so hard! It, luckily, has gotten past the point where I start to doubt my sanity and is starting to have potential for awesome. 

This last pic is a close up of how I'm laying the guide out on the wall and tracing around it. The pixelation is ridiculous, it will be great, but right now it's crazy!


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